Mission Statement
Our mission is diversity and inclusion – to embrace diversity in our community and bring out the best in everyone. To this end, we embrace all cultures in the events organized by LMA. We are wholly volunteer-run!

Your Donations at Work
Thank you for considering a donation to Lakeland Multicultural Association! As many of you may know, generous donations from community members and businesses help us host various multicultural events.
Funds raised from this fundraisers will help us host multicultural events in the Lakeland region in 2021 and allow us to initiate and contribute to several community initiatives including our Shop for Seniors program.
Latest News
Latin Heritage Month Oct 2022
The Lakeland Multicultural Association would like to highlight that October is celebrated every year as the Latin Heritage Month in Canada. LMA has compiled the links below for you to learn about the Latin culture in Canada! National Film...
Diwali Night Nov 19 2022
Diwali 2022Â To Purchase tickets please go to the following link: lma-coldlake.square.site Join Lakeland Multicultural Association for Diwali 2022, our 5th Annual Diwali Event. This year's event will feature PFDA, The Mariachi Project Canada, Randi Candline, and many...
Diwali Dance Challenge Nov 2022
Introduction The Lakeland Multicultural Association is hosting a Diwali dance challenge as part of the Cold Lake Diwali 2022 celebration. LMA welcomes your school to submit a video for evaluation by LMA organisers in Phase 1 of the Dance challenge. The best...
Join Us
Every year the Lakeland Multicultural Association hosts multiple events to promote understanding of our communities diverse cultures. Join us to learn more about our neighbors.